Sean Baines



Frontend software engineer, based in the UK.

I build applications and websites using a modern tech stack, specialising in React development. I have a passion for writing clean, modular code, and a desire to constantly improve and add to my skills.

Some things I use

A little bit about me

Passionately driven

I'm passionate about development. It's more than a job to me, it's also my hobby.

Sweat the details

I love spending time focusing on the details and interactions that make a product enjoyable to use.

Eye for design

I've always had an affinity for design and often spend time designing my own side projects.

Always learning

I'm never content with what I already know and am constantly looking for ways to improve.

Visual Studio Code screenshot

A few favourites


React is my framework of choice. Modular, hook-based, functional components are definitely my cup of tea.


I rarely build a project without TypeScript these days. Strict types and next generation JavaScript? Yes please.

Styled Components

I love the power of CSS-in-JS and styled-components is my go-to library for styling React components.

Some things I've built

Built with
and deployed on