Some things I use
A little bit about me
Passionately driven
I'm passionate about development. It's more than a job to me, it's also my hobby.
Sweat the details
I love spending time focusing on the details and interactions that make a product enjoyable to use.
Eye for design
I've always had an affinity for design and often spend time designing my own side projects.
Always learning
I'm never content with what I already know and am constantly looking for ways to improve.

A few favourites
React is my framework of choice. Modular, hook-based, functional components are definitely my cup of tea.
I rarely build a project without TypeScript these days. Strict types and next generation JavaScript? Yes please.
Styled Components
I love the power of CSS-in-JS and styled-components is my go-to library for styling React components.
Some things I've built
SPA React app which pulls in transactions from the backend API, lists them by month, allows you to assign categories and gives you a breakdown of your expenses per category.
TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript ...
Backend API for a SPA React app which pulls in transactions from this API, lists them by month, allows you to assign categories and gives you a breakdown of your expenses per category.
TypeScript, JavaScript, Shell ...
SPA React app to view a list of expenses, upload receipts, add comments etc.
JavaScript, HTML, Shell ...
A list of all the CSS color keywords, with sorting and copy to clipboard functionality
TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML ...
Thought I'd try out this Advent of Code thing
TypeScript, JavaScript ...
My newly refurbished personal site. Built with Gatsby, TypeScript etc.
TypeScript ...